Getting Started


(The following methods use Docker and Docker Compose. You can also develop directly using Node and MongoDB installed directly on your computer, but using containers ensures a more consistent configuration.)


Installing Docker#

The best approach to install docker is to follow the official guide here.

Please follow the steps in Install using the repository section.

Next, follow these steps to configure docker access with non sudo permissions in the Manage Docker as a non-root user section.

Installing Docker Compose#

The best approach to install docker-compose is to follow the official guide here.

Env files setup#

To start developing, copy .env to .env.local (by running cp .env .env.local).

.env.local (the file you just created) is your local configuration file, in which you should override the default configurations provided by .env.

Then, you can override the variable's values, according to their explanation in .env.

Whenever the file is updated, the server needs to be restarted for changes to have effect.

Cors Setup#

In order to allow requests from multiple clients, an array of URL's or regexes can be defined by ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGINS. This is an important step regarding connecting the frontend and the backend of the project. It is crucial that all URL's have no trailing /. Example:

ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGINS=["https:\/\/localhost:3000", "https:\\/\\/deploy-preview-\\d+--nijobs\\.netlify\\.app", ""]


After setting up your env files, you can run the project:

Development Environment#

You can start developing by building a local server:

docker-compose build web-dev

If you have already built the images/containers before you can simply run:

docker-compose up web-dev

A file is available in the project's root folder to run these commands on linux environments (simply run ./ [--build])

This will create a development server with hot reloading which will listen on http://localhost:<PORT>.

Testing Environment#

To run the test suite (mostly for CI/CD use), the workflow is similar to the development one:

docker-compose build test

After building the images/containers, the tests can be run with:

docker-compose up --exit-code-from test test

A file is available in the project's root folder to run these commands on linux environments (simply run ./ [--build])

Production Environment#

The production environment can be created by doing:

docker-compose build web-prod

If you have already built the images/containers before you can simply run:

docker-compose up web-prod

A file is available in the project's root folder to run these commands on linux environments (simply run ./ [--build])

This environment doesn't have hot reloading or dev extensions and is made to be used in the deployment server running this application.

Manual Configuration (Recommended for flexibility)#

In order to install and manage versions for nodejs, the usage of a version manager such as asdf (very recommended) or nvm (still decent, but limited to node).

If you already have a node installation you can simply use the npm commands specified in package.json directly.

So, you can run:

  • npm start to run the application in development mode, with hot reloading
  • npm test to run the test suites
  • npm run prod to serve the development version of the project
  • Other npm run scripts configured in package.json (such as linting, for example)

This approach might be the least straightforward to set up but is the most flexible as you can freely and directly interact with the runtime of the application.

HTTPS details#

In order for Cookies to work correctly, we need to use HTTPS in development, so that we can use local servers to test frontend changes in netlify.

If you use Docker, the certs will be automatically generated and used. If you are running npm directly, you should run ./certs/ so that it generates the required files.

On the first usage, you might get security alerts due to it being self-signed, you just need to go to some endpoint (like https://localhost:8087) and allow your browser to visit it.

Project Details#

This project uses Node.js with Express.js for the API routing and request-response logic. The DBMS used is MongoDB, along with Mongoose for integrating it with Node.

Testing is done using Jest and Supertest.

Project Concepts Map#

Project Concepts Map


Project Structure#

  • src/
    • api/
      • routes/ - Methods that register endpoints for the app
      • middleware/ - Application middleware. For example validators go here
    • lib/ - Supporting code
    • loaders/ - Modules responsible for the startup process
    • models/ - Database entity models (Mongoose models)
    • services/ - Business logic for the controllers
    • config/ - Application configurations (settings, authentication, etc.)
      • env.js - Environment variables and related configurations
    • index.js - App entry point
  • test/ - Self explanatory: Unit tests, functional (end-to-end) tests, etc.